Enables the developer to facilitate a transaction in which both the merchant and the customer want to use SOL or an SPL token (e.g. USDC) as payment.
import requests #make HTTP requests
import urllib.parse #encode the URL
#get a reference key
ref_url = 'http://api.mtnapi.com/ref'
r = requests.get(url = ref_url)
ref = r.json()['ref']
wallet='Ar7XrWtrGsB2xCnrTFLs9HyJ1bA62gXCAUZa8Fa7VMc5' #receiver
account = 'DaNDvvjZ3gdhjxeA3jKLGPTF7kNU8HupKKEgVTuHQwLi' #payer
payerToken = 'usdc'
size = 0.1
#base URL
api_url = 'http://api.mtnapi.com/pay'
#query string parameters
params = {'wallet': wallet, 'size' : size, 'payerToken' : payerToken, 'ref' : ref}
#request body
data = {'account': account}
#make the POST request
r = requests.post(url = api_url, params=params, json=data)
#encode the url
encoded_url = urllib.parse.quote(r.url)
#append solana
solana_pay_url = 'solana:' + encoded_url